Our Story!
If you think about it,
Throughout the history of mankind, the deal has always been the same:
Take from the Earth, sell to each other, and make profit, right?
All these years, Mother Earth has generously given us everything we asked for, like any loving, kind mother, thinking to herself, 'These are my children; they need my support to nourish and grow; someday, they will grow up and start taking care of me.
Time passed, but the only growing thing was our needs, which eventually turned into our greed!
We still take everything from the earth and return very little, and now we have come to a point where there are not many things left to take, and our lovely, caring mother is sick and dying right before our eyes.
This is Humankind's story, our story!
But WE are here to change the deal:
Take from Earth (while giving back more to her), sell to each other, and make profit!
As simple as that.
The idea behind HK Contributions is to provide simple, futuristic solutions to make profitable businesses while collaborating with Earth instead of taking from her.
We are here to grow up and act like responsible children while we still can, and take care of our beautiful mother. If this whole idea resonates with you, just give us a call. We will truly be happy to share ideas, earn, and grow up together.
Do it for yourself,
Do it for your Children
most importantly, let's Do it for the earth
Kindly yours,
Humankind Contributions Team"
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